History of Gujarat | Prachin – Arvachin – Madhyakalin – Aadhunik Gujarat no Itihas full E-Book
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Here is – Prachin Gujarat no Itihas, Arvachin Gujarat no Itihas, Adhunik Gujarat no Itihas, Madhyakalin Gujarat no Itihas : Full History Of Gujarat in One single pfd book – Download here
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All Eligible Candidates are being called for Practical/Skill Test (Typing Test) for recruitment to the post of Assistant for the subordinate courts in the State of Gujarat.
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Here is List of candidates who have Qualified in the Main Written Examination on High court of Gujarat. This Exam was conducted on 20/01/2019
All Eligible Candidates are being called for Practical/Skill Test (Typing Test) for recruitment to the post of Assistant for the subordinate courts in the State of Gujarat.
Madhyakalin gujarat no itihas book
Voting took place on 21-10-2019 in three important states of India for the assembly election 2019, which was counted on 24-10-2019. Whose shocking results have been found. Talking about the state of Gujarat, elections were held for a total of 6 seats in Gujarat. Of these, three seats have been received by the ruling party BJP and three seats for the Congress party.
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Can these election results really make a difference? For this, both sides will now have to reconsider. What is different is that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi can take steps to defeat his party’s three seats.
In addition, open the link below to see the live results of this election.
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Voting took place on 21-10-2019 in three important states of India for the assembly election 2019, which was counted on 24-10-2019. Whose shocking results have been found. Talking about the state of Gujarat, elections were held for a total of 6 seats in Gujarat. Of these, three seats have been received by the ruling party BJP and three seats for the Congress party.
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District change: Transfer to the primary school of another District Education Committee / Urban Education Committee as demanded by the Head Teacher, who is serving in the District Education Committee / Town Education Committee. General Provisions regarding Transfer:
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principal teacher surplus, in descending order. For this operation a public camp will have to be organized by adopting a transparent system. In this regard, seniority has to be complied with as per the procedure prescribed in paragraph 23. The employment of this whole operation matters in this resolution no. The concerned committee referred to in 8.4 shall be a member and shall be kept in office.
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On the day of such transfer, the entire document will have to be sent to the Education Department with proof of checklist and half-proof as shown in Annexure-1. In the case of dispatch of the deadline within the stipulated timeframe, the delay will have to be resolved by showing the negative aspects of each delay and the disciplinary action will be initiated against them by determining the responsibility of the officer
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The details of the duration of such transfer program will be communicated to each of the head teachers, as the Director, Primary Education, Gandhinagar will send a notification leaflet on each replacement occasion. The purpose of the demand-driven change will be to set the priorities in view of the following
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The time for AG acceptance will be in advance of the scheduled work, as each applicant gets sufficient time for the replacement of the head teacher. The details of the duration of such transfer program
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Regarding the announcement of new rules 2019 for the replacement of all primary school principal (HTAT) of the Gujarat District Panchayat / Urban Education Committee.
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The time for AG acceptance will be in advance of the scheduled work, as each applicant gets sufficient time for the replacement of the head teacher. The details of the duration of such transfer program
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