Social Science Standard 7 | Semester 1 All Chapter Unit Test

Social Science Standard 7 | Semester 1 All Chapter Unit Test

Right to Education for children between 6-14 years is guaranteed by law. But today in India officially 13 states and according to NGOs 22 states did not initiate process of implementation. By April 1, 2011 only six states and seven Union Territories notified the Act and made rules that too in the last quarter of the year. The law designated National Commission for Protection of Child Rights as monitoring agency, but it lacks any power to do justice. There is a shortage of teachers in our country and which has not been looked upon yet. Provision of free and compulsory education to all children until they complete the age of 14 years is a Directive Principle of State policy of the Constitution. Right to education is not stated expressly as a fundamental right in Part III. Thus Court has, however, not followed the rule that unless a right is expressly stated as a fundamental right, it cannot be treated as one. Freedom of press is not expressly mentioned in part III, yet it has been read into and inferred from the freedom of speech and expression and from Article 21 more particularly.

 While the government schools are day by day starved by lack of financial support, the private schools have expanded their existence even in rural areas. The financial capacity alone would decide the quality of education of the child, practically leaving no choice for them. The dream of equitable and equal education under Common School System may remain a dream within the present scenario.
Here is RTE Act. Compulsary to All School Teacher Detail in School Notice Board. Here is Excel Base Teacher Profile for Helping you on Gunotsav.

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Social Science Standard 7 | Semester 1 All Chapter Unit Test
Social Science Standard 7 | Semester 1 All Chapter Unit Test

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