Digital Survey for National Curriculum (DiSaNC)માં સહભાગી થવા બાબત.

Digital Survey for National Curriculum (DiSaNC)માં સહભાગી થવા બાબત.

વિષય – Digital Survey for National Curriculum (DiSaNC)માં સહભાગી થવા લેવા બાબત.
રાષ્ટ્રીય કક્ષાએથી રાષ્ટ્રીય અભ્યાસક્રમ તૈયાર કરવા માટે શિક્ષણ પ્રણાલી સાથે સંકળાયેલ સહભાગીદારો તરફથી અભિપ્રાય મેળવવા માટે Digital Survey for National Curriculum (DISaNC)નું લોંચિંગ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે. આ ડિજીટલ સર્વેમાં આપના જિલ્લામાંથી મહત્તમ સંખ્યામાં સહભાગીદારો (શિક્ષક, સીઆરસી, બીઆરસી, અધિકારી, અધ્યાપક, વાલી, સંચાલક, સ્કૂલ બોર્ડ, વગેરે..) તરફથી સર્વેમાં ભાગ લેવામાં આવે તેવા પ્રયત્નો કરવા માટે જણાવવામાં આવે છે. આ સર્વે ગુજરાતી ઉપરાંત અન્ય 22 ભાષાઓમાં આપવામાં આવેલ છે. આ માટેની લીંક પણ આ સાથે મોકલી આપવામાં આવે છે.
National Education Policy (NIP) was announced on 29th July 2020. The new policy aims
to pave way for transformational reforms in school and higher education systems in the country.
The policy envisions the holistic development al’ youth with emphasis on imparting of skills as a
key element of the modem education system, NEP provides for preparation of National
Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCFSE). The process of preparation of National Curriculum Framework (NCF) is underway. As Education is a matter that is relevant to all, it is strongly felt that views of all stakeholders be taken into consideration. Therefore, the Digital Survey for National Curriculum i.c. DISaNC was launched on the occasion of 2 anniversary of National Education Policy(NEP) 2020 by the Hon’ble Union Minister of Home Affairs and Co-operation. Shri Amit Shah in the presence of Shri Dharmendra Pradhan. Hon’ble Minister of Education. The objective of the Digital Survey is to
collect inputs from 1 Crore stakeholders to facilitate the formulation of National Curriculum
Framework (NCF). This digital survey supports 23 languages.
I would request you to kindly disseminate this information for wider participation across all the Departments of State/UT Govemment and their attached bodies, all relevant stakeholders in school ecosystem such as schools, teachers, CRC. BRC. DIETS. SCERTS. School Boards, parents, etc. and Higher Education Institutions and other stakeholders in the State/UT. Teacher Educators. Students. Parents, Community and Government officials. etc. may be invited and encouraged to join this massive and intensive consultation process to ensure maximum outreach. Please find the attached the link below to fill the survey. May I request your good office to circulate it among your colleagues and other stakeholders to fill up this survey. Every input counts!
Looking forward to your kind cooperation for the success of this digital survey.   
Digital Survey for National Curriculum (DiSaNC)માં સહભાગી થવા  બાબત. 

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