Do you have a habit of drinking water while eating? So change this habit now
If you have a habit of drinking water between meals, then the food in your stomach is rotting due to this habit and it is the one that causes many diseases to enter your body.
Lifestyle Desk: Most of the problems in the body are caused by your stomach problems. We put whatever food we like in the stomach so the stomach starts to spoil. A person who has a good stomach stays healthy and there is no danger. That is why it is necessary to strengthen the digestive system to stay healthy. If your digestion is good then your body and mind will be healthy. So it has an effect on your ability to work. So we should be careful while eating. So you should not overeat, eat on time and stay up late. Even with such care, your digestion stays good.
So we need to know that the food we eat does not harm our stomach or it does not hurt our stomach. If it hurts your stomach, it will not allow you to digest properly and it will cause problems like constipation. There are many problems for him. Let’s take a look at what the problems are.
We include lentils, rice, bread, vegetables, milk, yogurt and a variety of fruits in our daily diet. When all this stuff goes into the stomach it produces energy for our body in the stomach. So our body gets energy. When we finish a meal, our stomach starts to take two actions inside. The first action is what is known as digestion. It digests food and the second action is called fermentation. This means that the food in the stomach rots.
That is why it is said that one should not drink water while eating. Water should be drunk 15 to 20 minutes after a meal to facilitate digestion. According to Ayurveda, only when this fire is produced in the stomach, the food in the stomach is digested and its juice is formed. Digestion of food makes meat, marrow, bones, feces, urine and fat in our body. But if this fire is extinguished in our stomach then the food in your stomach cannot be digested and it will start to rot. It gets spoiled inside the stomach. It can cause many diseases in our body. Such as uric acid, cholesterol and heart problems can occur. It can lead to many serious diseases.
નોંધ:- અમારો હેતુ માત્ર આપને સારી માહિતી આપવાનો છે કોઇપણ સારવાર એક્ષ્પર્ટ ની દેખરેખ હેઠળ કે આપની તાસીર મુજબ કરવી.
Do you have a habit of drinking water while eating? So change this habit now