About merging primary schools with less than 30 students

About merging primary schools with less than 30 students

About merging primary schools with less than 30 students
It was decided by the Government of Gujarat that the total number of primary schools which were less than 30 would be merged and explained to the teachers in the nearby schools.  All schools were kept unchangedAfter lengthy representations of Taluka Primary Teachers ‘Union and District Primary Teachers’ Union, it was decided not to include such minor number of schools and merge them to nearby schools except those schools which had to be merged to less than 30 schools.  The rule was fixed by the Government not to merge but these rules are now repealed which school  Will be merged into a nearby school that is less than 30 the number of schools
Presently, a letter has been issued by the District Primary Education Officer of Tapi District and it has been suggested to all Talukas Primary Education Officers of all Talukas that if you take information of all the schools in your taluka which has less than 30 numbers and immediately the Tapi District Education Committee  Procedure for merging all such schools to attend  Having shown the possibilities which may be progressive in.In a letter from the District Primary Education Officer of Tapi District, it has been suggested to all Talukas Primary Education Officers of all talukas that if your taluka has a number of elementary schools less than 4, all such schools should be informed and present at the District Primary Education Committee.
An official letter has been released by the District Primary Education Officer of Tapi District for the purpose of merging all schools where less than 30 students are studying in the primary schools. Please click on the link below to read.
About merging primary schools with less than 30 students

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