BRC/CRC Bethak Na Mukhay Mudda

BRC/CRC Bethak Na Mukhay Mudda

All primary and secondary secondary schools of Gujarat state have witnessed fluctuations in number of days of first semester and second semester during the academic year.

In accordance with the provisions of the Free and Compulsory Education Rights Act 2009 RTEF 2009, the provision of educational work of not less than 200 days in standard 5 to 5 and 220 days in standard 1 to 7 has been provided. Further, Gujarat Secondary.  Rules – Gujarat Secondary Education Regulations 1976 Provided that the number of days of education not less than 1 in the academic year for standard 1 to 2  Is the provision of rya.  Regarding the above work, the working days of the two semesters of the academic year remain the same and the matter of scheduling academic work days and vacation time in the primary and secondary schools of the state for the purpose of ensuring that there are no available days according to the provision to ensure learning outcomes of each standard.  Was under the active consideration of the Government.

Currently school is open for the end of March or the first week of April till the end of summer examinations in the first week of May until the summer vacation begins.  To start the new academic year in the month of April with the aim of making the most of this time in the affiliated schools  The summer vacation begins after approximately four weeks of academic work and the same method can be applied to all primary schools of the state and all secondary and higher secondary schools affiliated to the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board.  Consideration was taken. In this regard, all relevant states, ie, the teachers’ unions, are the governing body of the school.  The following resolutions are made by the State Government after a detailed consultation with the academics and academics.

Resolution At the end of Adult Consideration, the powers conferred on the powers conferred on the Section 5 of the Mumbai Primary Education Act, and section 4 of the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Act, section 370 are as follows.  Resolution The new academic year for the next academic year, ie 2020, will start from April 1, 2019 and the summer vacation will remain unchanged from four to May 2020 to seven by June 2020.

From the academic year 2021-22 and subsequent academic years, the new academic session will have to start from the first week of April, and the summer vacation will begin from the first week of the month to the first week of June.  Keeping this in mind, the year-long examination of the coming academic year and all related activities must be completed in March-month.  Diwali period will be done according to the way it is currently determined. Gujarat state school lesson  The booklet will be organized by Gandhinagar at the beginning of the academic year in the month of April, as soon as the students receive the textbooks.  Secondary Education Regulations ૧૯૭૪ Jog  In view of the wives, the Gujarat State Secondary and Higher Secondary Board will have to circular through Gandhinagar.  The Resolution The primary schools belonging to the District Panchayat Nagar Panchayat Maha Municipality, which are approved by the Government of Gujarat, are set up by the Government of Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, registered in Gandhinagar.  This resolution applies to this section  Received permission from the date of the note of the Government No. 20 of 2020 on the same file is released Agreement.

Unit Test Paper Solution in Primary Schools – in PDF. [Ekam kasoti Paper & Solution For STD 3 to 8 All] Ekam Examination Paper is taken in standard 3 to 8 in all primary schools of Gujarat state. This Ekam kasoti paper has been decided by GCERT. Std also in Government Secondary Schools. In 9 and 10 this Ekam kasoti paper is taken. The standard test of this unit is given here as a solution of standard 6 to 8. Which will be useful for students and teachers of standard 3 to 8.

What is Ekam kasoti Solution?
Ekam kasoti of students is taken by the Gujarat Education Department on Saturday, every week, to improve the academic achievement of the students in Classes 3 to 8 and to improve their expression. And this test is tailored to the weekly unit unit for each topic. This Ekam kasoti Solution paper is prepared by GCERT.For the sake of the students and teachers this Ekam kasoti paper is prepared and put here. Which teachers and students can download and use here.

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BRC/CRC Bethak Na Mukhay Mudda

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