Circular dated 31/7/2020 regarding fixing of time for government primary schools

Circular dated 31/7/2020 regarding fixing of time for government primary schools

Due to the epidemic of covid 19 this year, the academic session could not be resumed like every year since June.  So from the reference letter of this office from 01/07/2020 to 31/7/ 2020 it was instructed to keep the time of primary schools under District Town Education Committee from 7 to 12 in the morning.  In which students were told not to give up at school.  Currently, schools and colleges across the country have been instructed to remain closed till 31st August 2020 under Unlock-3.  Must be held from 7-00to 12-00 in the morning.

Apart from the DD Girnar channel, children can also acquire knowledge through the Baysag program so that the students studying in the school can acquire knowledge of the subjects included in their studies.  If the student does not have a television or a smartphone available, such students can also acquire knowledge of various subjects through Biseg.  Students who do not have access to television, if they have a smartphone, they can take knowledge of various subjects through this smartphone, youtube channel at their convenience.  With the help of our blog, you can acquire knowledge of various subjects for your children at your convenience, student friends and parents

School colleges are closed in this epidemic of corona virus.  Even if the school is closed in this epidemic situation, the education of the children will not be carried out.  Gujarat Government has released a program called study from home so that children can study from home so that their education does not stop.  Through this program children can take different subject knowledge from home.  Children studying in primary school and secondary school cannot go to school at present.  In order to provide timely education to these children, knowledge of various subjects is imparted through DD Girnar Doordarshan from Monday to Friday.  On Saturdays children are given knowledge of topics like joyful Saturday as their inner strengths are opened through various activitieS 
Circular dated 31/7/2020 regarding fixing of time for government primary schools

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In addition, Home Learning and GCERT is a letter dated 22/6/2020. As per the instructions, the children will have to undertake educational activities through virtual classroom youtube and TV.  As well as all teachers must be present at the school level when instructed to watch the Biseg broadcast.

Circular dated 31/7/2020 regarding fixing of time for government primary schools

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