UDiwali Vacation 2019 Babat Niyamak Shree no Latest Paripatra
Education Department, Government of Gujarat by its GR dated 31-3-2010 (Annex-A)
constituted a Committee to re draft the Gujarat ( Bombay )Primary Education Act, 1947 and Gujarat
Compulsory Primary Education Act, 1961 in the context of, and in consonance with The Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RtE Act) enacted by Government of India. The
GR also mandated the Committee to draft rules and suggest procedure to give effect to provisions of
admission of disadvantaged children and recognition of unaided schools in the RtE Act.
The Committee co-opted a few members and held several meetings. It constituted three sub
groups to work on
(i) admission of disadvantaged children to unaided schools
(ii) recognition of unaided schools
(iii) Gujarat (Bombay ) Primary Education Rules 1949
The Committee held meetings with teachers, school managements and association
representatives in Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara and Rajkot and greatly benefited from their views.
The Committee submitted draft of Gujarat Elementary Education Act to State Government in
August 2010. As requested by the Education Department, the Committee submitted draft rules on the
admission of disadvantaged children and recognition of unaided schools in July 2010. Draft of revised
Gujarat Elementary Education Rules was submitted in January 2011.
The Committee examined many complex and controversial issues associated with RtE Act. The
thinking of the Committee on some of these issues is summarized in the following paragraphs as this
will explain the reasons for some of its recommendations:
The RtE Act increases Government control in elementary education and this could result in administrative malpractices. The Committee felt that there should be adequate checks and balances to reduce the opportunities for misuse of authority, particularly in the context of requirement of all unaided schools to obtain recognition. The Committee has recommended that all applications for recognition should be examined not by Education Department but by committees consisting of retired teachers andGovernment officials, and educationists; and grant of recognition or otherwise should be based on the report of these independent committees.
Diwali Vacation 2019 Babat Niyamak Shree no Latest Paripatra