Download BLO Net application : Full User Guide of BLO Net Application
How to use BLO Net app.
Download BLO Net App.
Taking forward its continuous efforts of building an active democratic citizenry in the country, Election Commission of India has undertaken a new initiative by designing a Mobile Application for developing a culture of avid electoral engagement and making informed and ethical ballot decisions among citizens of the country. The app aims to provide a single point of service and information delivery to voters across the country. The app provides following facilities to Indian voters.
Instructions on EVP and SSR 2020 issued on 25th July 2019.
Supplementary letter giving details on the operationalization of EVP were issued on 25th July 2019
Discussion with CEO MP and DEOs of Bhopal and Indore done and feedback taken by Sr. DEC SS on 26th and 27th July 2019.
Video Conference with CEOs on EVP, Pre-revision Activities and SSR 2020 was conducted on 30th July 2019 by Sr. DEC SS, PS NNB and Dir IT. (Minutes enclosed)
As suggested by CEOs during VC, letter containing revised EVP schedule etc. was issued on 31st July 2019.
Discussions with representatives of CSCs and e-Mitra of Rajasthan were done on 1st August 2019 by Sr. DEC SS and Dir IT.
Discussions were held with Dir NeGD for provision of gateway for NVSP/Voter Helpline App involving Umang Platform without sharing/ routing of Data.
Possibility of fetching verified documents from digi-locker through Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) mechanism avoiding physical uploading.