Respectfully yours, my co-family at your feet. The moon has completed the week of Sud, and now that the fortnight of Vad has begun, it will move to Amas, thus diminishing its art. Yesterday, I spent the day in joy, ecstasy and excitement after meeting so many relatives. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Also reading the story of a personal friend yesterday was also very beautiful. In God’s creation there are differences, especially in human form, color, and quality, and there are also differences between the rich and the poor. Regardless of what the job is, the principle of karma, etc., now that this has happened to the person, that is, excessive discrimination, usually this discrimination of other relatives and family members towards that person is a different kind of price difference. It was a story of forming, and gradually becoming detached from the world, that is, becoming the opposite, and living in its own world. It is natural for someone to live in such a way because of the inequality or incompatibility with themselves, but now even ordinary people live against each other in such a way that they are against each other, and even so human beings, under the guidance of their own intellect, go against nature. There is constant movement in nature, and thus it is used only to oppose the full energy of man, or to prove himself. We call it a negative attitude. When we connect with each other, we experience positivity, and positivity increases joy and excitement in life, makes us optimistic. When negativity increases the degree of dullness in life, and the price of the manner in which everything else is against us arises. So today we will talk in contemplation about what we oppose or ignore in our daily life, or pretend that the person is healthy, and this increases the negative attitude.
જે વિદ્યાર્થીના માતા કે પિતાનું કોરોનાને કારણે *અવસાન* થયેલ હોય તો *આદિત્ય બિરલા કેપિટલ* તરફથી વિદ્યાર્થીઓ માટે *શિષ્યવૃતિ* મળવાપાત્ર છે.
Every morning the sun shines in the east, and our daily life begins. Think very naturally, who thinks about the sun every day! Thank you for that! Yet, he does his work at the right time and according to our needs. In the same way, the head of the household, the mother or the wife, wakes up before the sun sets in the family and starts her daily work, and meets our small and big needs. All of us have had the experience of how much we suffer when it is absent. However, we thank her every day !!, or we can even say, who experiences her urmi and encourages her! Or it even points out that someone is important in our lives !!. Let us understand that the sun is the form of God, it may or may not have this kind of feeling. But a woman is born with a human heart, and she is full of empathy, she has a life for others. But he has a longing that his relatives will understand him. Nowadays, many people pay attention to it, and small and big opportunities are also rewarded for it, but this is a daily thing, so when you feel a lack of feeling somewhere, the negative attitude can also increase in this way. Let’s move on now. Every human being has his own level of intelligence, and his mental capacity is determined accordingly. And usually the work of an intelligent human being is commendable, while the work of a less intelligent one is not so admirable, and such a person is ridiculed and ridiculed, saying that it is of no use to him. Are killed. Even a person who experiences this can be negative, and we all do this instinctively. In the same way, if there is a physical defect, dealing with others is enough to fill a negative attitude in his life. In addition, many times without a reason to prove one’s insistence or ego, but often try to look down on someone unknowingly, and even in the way that the person feels that way, it leads to negativity. Skills and incompetence are also often pointed out and someone is looked down upon. We are joking even when we say that no one has a dressing sense, no one can even count the nature of someone’s excessive goodness, then someone for some reason to look down on them. Instinct also makes it negative. In short, it can be said that people can be both positive and negative because of their inner dealings. Has anyone ever thought about how many of us are being pushed towards negativity in this way every day? What do we do on a daily basis that adds excitement to someone’s life? How many people do we help each day?