Evaluation of standard 1 to 8

 Evaluation of standard 1 to 8

The Right to Free and Compulsory Education for Children Act 2009 has been amended in the notification of the amendment to the scheme.  have been added after sub-section 4 of section 24 as per this amendment.  Which is involved with this.  According to this amendment, only the students who get A, B, C,D grade in every subject in Std. 5 and Std. 8 will have to be given class promotion in the next standard.  The student cannot be stopped in another standard
 Thus, from the year 2019-20, a student who gets D grade in two or more subjects in Std. 5 or Std.  Meanwhile, after completing the therapeutic teaching work, the school level will have to conduct re-examination in which if the student can make the expected improvement in his grade, class promotion will have to be given.  No student shall be barred from any other standard except standard 5 and standard 8.  “All primary schools under your jurisdiction are under the jurisdiction of District Panchayat, Nagarpalika and Mahanagarpalika as well as Granted and Non-Granted (Self Supporting) Private Schools.
These rules may be called the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (2nd Amendment) Rules,  They shall extend to whole of the State of Gujarat. They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
In the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules,  There shall be an annual examination in the fifth class andin the eighth class at the end of every academic year,
which shall be conducted as a part of other examinations being conducted in the school during the acadernic year.. (i) If a child fails in the annual examination referred to in clause (h), he shall be given additional instructions andgranted opportunity for re-examination within a period oftwo months from the date of declaration of the result ofsuch annual examination. If a child fails in the re-examination as specified in clause ( the school has to detain that child in fifth class or eighth class as the case may be. If the child such detained seeks admission in another school, he should be enrolled in the same standard in which he has been detained earlier, Irrespective of his age. Any child who is enrolled in primary school, shall not be held back until he completes the hasir elementan.

Evaluation of standard 1 to 8

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