Implementation of "Computer Literacy Center" for Computer Aided Learning and Literacy

Implementation of “Computer Literacy Center” for Computer Aided Learning and Literacy

Implementation of “Computer Literacy Center” for Computer Aided Learning and Literacy
 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is globally recognized as a catalyst for social change and national progress.  “Computer Literacy Centers”-Computer Labs are going to be developed in more government primary schools functioning in the state to improve the educational level of students and provide computer education through computer aided learning.  Computer Literacy Centers in primary school education aim to prepare children to participate creatively in educational processes.  With a vision to establish, maintain and develop a society leading to overall socio-economic development and global competitiveness of the nation, “Computer Literacy Center” Computer Lab is to provide computer aided education and computer literacy in primary schools of the state.
 (1) Implementing Agency:
 1.  Agency M/s for implementation of “Computer Literacy Center” – Computer Lab for a period of 05 (Five) years including supply, installation and maintenance support in the listed Government Primary Schools under your control under the above project.  ASHOKA BUILDCON LIMITED has been appointed.
 2.  Agency computer hardware, software and connected to implement
 Responsible for supply-installation of accessories and equipping all equipments for integrated use and providing maintenance support for five years to keep them in continuous working condition.
 (r) “Computer Literacy Center” – Computer Lab at the school under the project as follows
 Equipment will be provided:
Scope of Work for Selected Agency:
 1. Proper delivery, installation of all the said equipment (computer hardware, peripherals, electrification, cabling and associated software – along with application for updating school wise ICT inventory online) for developing “Computer Literacy Centre” – computer lab at school level.  to do  Providing installation report and equipping all equipment for integrated use as per project concept.
 2. Ensuring e-content updation by installing in all computers of labs at school level to e-content to be provided by entire Shiksha and / or providing new updates of e-content.
 3. Installation of any other software provided by the whole Shiksha in all the computers of the lab at the school level under the project.
 4. Establish an office at the state level and appoint a project manager.  5. To provide maintenance and troubleshooting support for the entire five year duration of the project.
 6. Operating system and other software including e-content shall be updated from time to time and when upgraded version of this software is available and as per preventive maintenance schedule.  7. Completed classroom equipment and associated hardware at each school level under the project

 Performing regular preventive maintenance of software from time to time.  8. To follow and maintain the system and process necessary to know the progress status of the project.
 9. Reporting as required and at specified intervals

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