Matter of charging new enrollment, mandatory, non-mandatory update and demographic update fee under Aadhaar operation.

Matter of charging new enrollment, mandatory, non-mandatory update and demographic update fee under Aadhaar operation.

Matter of charging new enrollment, mandatory, non-mandatory update and demographic update fee under Aadhaar operation.
 Matter of charging New Enrollment, Mandatory, Non-Mandatory Update and Demographic Update fees under Aadhaar operation.  Reference: – (1) Atre letter no.  No.  1 2 According to the above subject and reference, during the academic year 2016-17, the office here has been appointed as the enrollment agency to carry out Aadhaar registration of children studying in all the primary schools of Gujarat.  Children who do not have an Aadhaar card do not have to pay any fee for the first time after completing the new Aadhaar enrollment and 5 years and 18 years.  The table of price change in Aadhaar service in the relevant office memorandum of UIDAI is as under.  4 Date 4/06/2017 (2) UIDAI Office Memorandum F.No.  4 (4) / 57/372/2016 / E & U – 1, Dt.09th May, 2020 5 (3) UIDAI Office Memorandum F.No.  44) / 57/372/2018 / E & U – I, Dt.  12th October, 2020 (4) UIDAI Office Memorandum F.No.  4 (4) / 57/372/2016 / E & U – 1, Dt.21h April, 2021 No.Prashini Aadhaar Fee / 2021-2 / 456 J2 Office of the Director of Primary Education, Block No. 12/1, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan  , गु.रा.गांधीनगर, ता .०६ / ०८ / २०८, Services Aadhaar Enrollment Mandatory Biometric (MBU) / MBU along demographic update 3 Demographic update Update with Biometric with or without Demographic update E – Aadhaar download and color print on A4 Sheet Rate  of fee to be collected from Residents & Student by Registrar / EA / District (incl. GST) Tree of Cost Free of Cost Rs.100.00 Rs.50.00 Rs.30.00
As per reference letter-1 & 2 of UIDAI, service no.  If a new Aadhaar card is issued to a student who does not have Aadhaar card in class 1, no fee of any kind has to be charged from the student.  Service no.  : – Students who have completed 3 years (3 years and 12 years) do not have to pay any fee for compulsory biometric updation for the first time.  Service no.  As per the rules of Government of India for conducting biometric updation (non-mandatory) as per 3, a fee of Rs.100 / – has to be charged from the student for service no.  – ૪ Demographic update (such as, name, date of birth, address, mobile number,

 caste etc. to correct – increase) as per the rules will have to charge a fee of Rs.50 / -.  In addition, demographic updating and biometric updating (non-mandatory) fees performed by the Aadhaar operator / supervisor will be charged from the student as per the receipt generated from the UIDAI software.  And whether receipt is issued by the operator / supervisor against demographic update and biometric update (non-mandatory)?  It will have to be monitored from the district level.  The operator / supervisor has to deposit the fee as per the receipt in the bank account opened for Aadhaar operation at the district level on daily basis or by the end of the week.

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