Matter of Intensive Discovery Test (TST) for students studying in Std-9

Matter of Intensive Discovery Test (TST) for students studying in Std-9
Matter of Intensive Discovery Test (TST) for students studying in Std-9.   The letter number of the office here: Moumshab /  The letter no.  And according to the letter shown in reference-1, to state that the proficiency search test organized by Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education to bring out the talent of Std-9 students will be taken on  this year.  Details regarding Intensity Detection Test (TST) for students studying in Std.  The following clarification is given by the office here regarding the confusion and inquiries of the parents of the school as well as the students regarding filling up of the aforesaid search test form.  The main details of the Intensity Detection Test are as follows.  1, Application forms for Integrity Search Test will be processed through all the secondary schools registered at Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education from 06 for filling online application forms on the Board’s website  Students must provide the school with the details of applying for the Intensity Search Test.  Following are the instructions for filling up the application forms online.  – School Log-in: To fill the application form of Std-9 Intensity Search Test (2022) online, the school will have to use the same Index Number and Password as the Index Number and Password used by the students to fill the application form of Std-10.  (The new Secondary School Index Number ranges from  Applications for the Intensity Search Test (February-2022) will have to be filled online only from the school level.  Deadline for filling online application form .
 Has been fixed for hours.  First of all the website of Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has to be opened.  .  Click on the Talent Search Test button (icon) or log in to  Login by entering the Login ID (Index Number) and Password and the text (Captcha) written below.  [Note: If the school has to reset the password, it will have to reset the password by clicking on School Registration, entering the registered mobile of the school.  The Student Registration Form will open with the school index number of your school on the right and the name of the school as well as the mobile number on the left.  – Examination Center Selection: First of all, in the online form, the center which is closest to the school has to be selected.  (Each school should fill one center for all the students in its school.) Once the center is selected, the center will be automatically selected for the form of the remaining students.  – Student Registration:.  The following details of the student will have to be filled by the school after selecting the center.  Student’s GeneralInformation: ||  Surname should be filled as per the details recorded in the GR of the secondary school.  Carefully check the spelling and enter the name.  2 Name: 3 |  Father’s Name 4 |  Medium Select the medium of the medium in which the candidate is studying in the school.  5 Caste Click on the category of the candidate’s Caste as per the GR note.  6 Gender T G.R.  No.  Click on Male / Female.  Student’s G.R.  Number (Example: 000063) Differently Abled if disabled student?  Will have to click in Yes.  After filling all the details, click on Save button.  .  .  Student fees will be determined automatically according to his Caste and Gender.  Which to verify.  – Student fee rate is a
 – Fee Payment Process: After filling in the details of all the students, the fees of all the students can be paid both online and offline through the school by clicking on the Payment tab.  The aforesaid action should be taken by the principals of all the schools as well as the teachers for the students participating in the Std-9 Intensity Test by following the above instructions.  It is also very important for the school principals and teachers to give guidance and instructions to the students and parents in this regard.  2. Barcode sticker will be used in OMR sheet in this exam.  For the attendance of students, the attendance sheet will be used as per the sample of Zero-One form used in the board examination of Std. .  3.  Acceptance center will be arranged by the board for submission of OMR sheet after completion of examination.  4. The structure of the examination will be as follows.  Question Paper Subject Number of Questions Marks Time 30 30 Gujarati 30 English 30 120 30 Social Science 30 Question Paper-1 minute 10 10 General Knowledge 100 100 Mathematics 40 40 Science 40 Question Paper-2 4) 120 Mental Ability 20 20 Minutes 100 100 Total 5. Exam MCQ  (OMR method). 
Matter of Intensive Discovery Test (TST) for students studying in Std-9
 Important link
 5. 1 to 100 questions are given in this test question paper.  All questions are mandatory.  Each question has 1 (one) mark.  Each correct answer will get 1 mark.  Marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.  7. The syllabus of proficiency detection test will be as per standard-9 level.  8. The time for Intensity Detection Test Question Paper-1 will be 11:00 to 01:00 in the morning and then one hour recess and in the afternoon

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