Recruitment Process Information Useful information Save link Useful for all friends
Process will be useful to view the details of various information and current recruitment information to be saved forever. Friends who are currently in need of a job. Useful information is only for friends who have lost their job The process should be implemented as this advertisement is only for friends who need a job and want to get job details. No other friend should try to get details about such advertisement as this information is only for friends who have lost their job. Friends, there is no need to harass Kerry in any way for inquiries in this matter. For different information in the state of Gujarat, keep this my Shiva Shiva. This post should be kept forever to get useful information to get the details when there is a new recruitment. Gujarat State has many districts.
Recruitment Process Information Useful information Save link Useful for all friends
The information about the recruitment process with the names of all the districts in Gujarat state or with the names of those different districts should be kept with it forever. We are trying to provide this information to the friends who need such information through WhatsApp but sometimes if any information is incomplete, we apologize for the information that has been received. There is information posted and sometimes no job advertisement is published by Japan or through newspapers or based on online recruitment information. This information should be made clear to all friends. No recruitment process is published by us. Even if no friends want to do anything in this regard, you can get information from my whatsapp number and report all the information only and only to help a friend. There are many friends around you who have a lot of interest in the recruitment process but their presence information is available. Please share this information with all the friends and request to join us in whatsapp. Please retain this post for more information on loan recruitment
જુનિયર કલાર્ક ભરતી જાહેર
વડોદરા મ્યુનિસિપલ કોર્પોરેશન દ્વારા વિવધ પોસ્ટ પર ભરતી જાહેર
જુનિયર કલાર્ક – 552
મલ્ટી પર્પઝ વર્કર – 68
સબ સેનેટરી ઇન્સ્પેકટર – 10
રેવેન્યુ ઓફિસર – 07
વૉર્ડ ઓફિસર – 04
કુલ જગ્યા – 641
છેલ્લી તારીખ – 10-04-2022
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Recruitment Process Information Useful information Save link Useful for all friends