September Unit test Preparation video std 5 subject english 2020.
The school for children could not be started due to the epidemic of corona in the field of primary education from GCERT from the state government. In this regard, various programs are run by GCERT from the State Government. In which education is tried to reach all the children of the state through home learning / YouTube and through virtual classrooms. In this regard, textbooks are learned at home and various programs are run.
The unit test was conducted in July as per the schedule fixed by the GCERT from the State Government. A unit test is also planned for the month of August. In this regard, a variety of videos are delivered to the children studying in every primary school across the state through the Diksha application under Home Learnng.
addition to the curriculum of the children and the guidance given by the teachers, in addition to the scholarships at home and various homework given by the teachers and the unit test is organized in the month of August, the videos given in the initiation hotel in Std. The link is given below. The children who watch the video will be able to write a complete and accurate test and if anyone has been left out in this regard, you can watch the video in the link below and re-study and get the best in a single test.
September Unit test Preparation video std 5 subject english 2020.
So every parent and every child is kindly requested to watch the standard hair videos once again so that you can write better in the unit test and get the expected result so that you can write the unit test more easily and accurately. Thank you. Best of Luck.
September Unit test Preparation video std 5 subject english 2020.