Shraddha List 2023
Shraddha List 2023: Which Shraddha is on which day: Now the holy month of Shravan is over and Ganapati festival is going on. Now in a few days the Shraddha Paksha will start. In Shraddha, everyone does things like pouring water in a barrel and doing Shraddha to please their ancestors. In Hindu culture, Shraddha is performed according to the Tithi. That is, the Shraddha work is performed on the day of Pithri. Shraddha Paksha is going to start in a few days.
Know which Shraddha is on which date in this post. Know when is the month of Shraddha in the year 2023 i.e. when the holy time of pitru bhakti is going to start. Complete list of Shraddha to be held in the year. Also know what is the importance of Shraddha Pinda of Pitras in Pitrapaksha.
The month dedicated to ancestors i.e. Pitru Paksha month starts from the full moon of the month of Bhadrava and ends on the day of Amas. In this month, Shraddha rituals are performed for the peace of the souls of the ancestors. Shraddha work means devotion done with faith. When the Pitru Paksha begins, respect is expressed to the fathers. The blessings of the fathers are sought in Pitrupaksha.
There is a belief in your culture that if the Shraddha work is not performed, the souls of the ancestors will not find peace and there will be no peace and happiness in your home. Come, let’s know when Shraddha will start in the year 2023 and what is the importance of Shraddha work.
Which Shraddha is on which day
Date of Shraddha
29 September 2023 Friday Purnima Shraddha
29 September 2023 Friday Ekam Shraddha
30 September 2023 Saturday Dwitiya Shradh
01 October 2023 Sunday Tritiya Shraddha
02 October 2023 Monday Chaturthi Shraddha
03 October 2023 Tuesday Panchami Shraddha
04 October 2023 Wednesday Shashti Shraddha
05 October 2023 Thursday Saptami Shraddha
06 October 2023 Friday Ashtami Shraddha
07 October 2023 Saturday ninth Shraddha
08 October 2023 Sunday Dashami Shraddha
09 October 2023 Monday Ekadashi Shraddha
11 October 2023 Wednesday Dwadashi Shraddha
12 October 2023 Thursday Trayodashi Shraddha
13 October 2023 Chaturdashi Shraddha Friday
14 October 2023 Saturday Sarva Pitru Amavasya
There is a belief in Hinduism that we should perform the Shraddha rites of the ancestors and donate Pinda, it gives peace to the soul of the ancestors. People who don’t know the date of Shraddha of their fathers can perform Shraddha on Sarvapitr Amas day which is the last Shraddha. It is necessary to perform Shraddha for the good fortune and peace of the souls of the ancestors and to get the blessings of the ancestors. There is a belief that the happiness and peace that comes in life is maintained with the blessing of the father and the right way is found from the unexpected difficulties that come in life.