SSA Child Tracking Adhar Enable Dise Standard 1 New Entry Form

SSA Child Tracking Adhar Enable Dise Standard 1 New Entry Form

Aadhar Dise Login, Gujarat Aadhar Enabled Dise, SSA Gujarat Aadhar Dise, Child Tracking System, UID Information, Gujarat Aadhar Dise Login, SSA Child Tracking System, SSA UID Information

Gujarat Aadhar Enabled Dise

Dropout of children from schools, their absenteeism, performance of government schools and its teachers have a sledgehammer impact on primary education in various states, including Gujarat that is not known to have an impressive track record. But, things seem to be changing in Gujarat. Conceived in December 2012, the state government has from the June 2014 academic year put into practice a child education tracking system by assigning a digitised Unique Identification code number to all the whopping 87 lakh students between standard 1 and standard 8.

SSA Gujarat Aadhar Dise

Gujarat State implemented Aadhaar Enabled DISE – Child Tracking System for collection of Student-wise information for Elementary Schooling of Class I – VIII since January 2012.
Aadhaar Enabled DISE is deployed with a concept adopted from UIDAI to build database of students along with child wise record with Student Name, Parents Name, Date of Birth, Address, incentives & benefits received from Government. The same database use by State to conduct child wise evaluation under Gunotsav program. Each year, existing records are being updated and new entrants in Class I are being entered under the system.
Dropout of children from schools, their absenteeism, performance of government schools and its teachers have had a sledgehammer impact on primary education in various states, including Gujarat that is not known to have an impressive track record.
But, things seem to be changing in Gujarat.
Conceived in December 2012, the state government has from the June 2014 academic year put into practice a child education tracking system by assigning a digitised Unique Identification code number to all the whopping 87 lakh students between standard 1 and standard 8.
According to Mukesh Kumar, state project coordinator of the Centre’s Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), every child will have an 18-digit UID number to track his or her academic career.
“It will not only track the reasons for his dropping out from school, his absenteeism and his performance but this will also be linked to the consequent training programmes for teachers,” Mukesh Kumar told Mail Today.
He explained that under this system, annual child-wise records would be maintained with the student’s name, birth date, details of parents, address and incentives or benefits received, if at all, from the government. It has been called Aadhaar-enabled District Information System for Education (DISE).
Officials informed that the usual DISE captures only the figures of enrolment, but this has been termed Aadhar-enabled system since the latter contains a comprehensive data of every resident’s demographic and biometric information, “which they can use to identify themselves anywhere in India, and to access a host of benefits and services”.
The same concept has been adopted to build a database of students and to provide unique identification number to all the students in the schools.

SSA Child Tracking Adhar Enable Dise Standard 1 New Entry Form

Important Links : 

Download Online entry Data Form : From Here

Aadhar Dise Online Entry : From Here

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