The highest-resolution color images of the universe ever taken by NASA

The highest-resolution color images of the universe ever taken by NASA

High-resolution NASA color images: NASA unveils first full-color images from the James Webb Space Telescope NASA Webb Space Telescope images: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has released three more images from the James Webb Space Telescope with data on the atmosphere of a distant planet.  .  The first image released shows the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, also known as Webb’s first deep field high resolution.  The image is a composite made up of different images taken at different wavelengths.  It was created using images taken with a near-infrared camera (NIRCam).
High resolution color images taken by NASA
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The highest-resolution color images of the universe ever taken by NASA
 Webb’s first deep field high resolution
 NASA then released images of the following targets: the Carina Nebula, WASP-96 b (spectrum data), the Southern Ring Nebula, and the Stephens Quintet.  High-resolution versions of the image are now available on NASA’s website.  Spectrum data from WASP-96B revealed the presence of water vapor on a distant exoplanet for the first time.
The highest-resolution color images of the universe ever taken by NASA

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