Uchchatar Pagar Dhoran na Caso ni File Babat Mehsana Jilla no Letter

Uchchatar Pagar Dhoran na Caso ni File Babat Mehsana Jilla no Letter

Uchchatar Pagar Dhoran na Caso ni File Babat Mehsana Jilla no Letter. Pursuant to the above subject and the reference letter stating that, regarding the salary reform done as per the recommendation of the Seventh Pay Commission, according to Tharav of the Education Department of GS, the cases of U.P. After scrutinizing the report as per the prescribed form, as per the following, in the face-to-face promotion committee resolution in the camp, the knowledgeable employee is asked to be present for verification.

With the following grounds, the application of U.P.Dho will be based on Radhanik Aadhaar.
Officecopy A copy of each 1 Letter from the concerned organization
Chadlet, Form-4/3 Guarantee Schedule-1 to 6,
Office Resolution Board Resolution / Promotion Committee Resolution with the affidavit of the concerned officer
Copy of CCC Exam Publication Result should be made by a valid source and its publicity and online verification should be certified by the Principal.
Note of Hindi Examination / Liberation in Service Book as well as Marksheet – Takal-1 Certification
LF Office Copy, Checklist 2 Form – (in two copies),
Office Order (in two copies) Guarantee Schedule 1 to 6, as well as at all levels which ID level as well as cell level which salary is eligible to be shown.
Mandal Resolution / Promotion Committee Resolution – 1 copy with counter signature of the concerned officer CCC Examination Publication: Copy of result should be passed by a recognized institution.
As well as its disclosure and details about it in the notebook. Note in Hindi Examination / Exemption Book, as well as Mark Sheet – Dakal-1 If there is protection of vacancy, make a detailed note about it in the service book and give grounds. It should be noted that the explicit order has been issued regarding minorities,
In Rovapothi, the principal will have to fix the pay-per-view as per the 7th Pay Commission (Pay Matrix and Level). As well as attaching pay commission annexure and sticker in the seventh and other legal papers with the signature of the principal.
2009 – As per leave, notice of salary till 31/12/15, Give the page number in the original service book and show the CPF / GPF number as well. To show complete details about the subdivision of the employee concerned in the file subdivision.If it is not applicable to show information in every column of outgoing number 7 / date and Form-4/3 in the office order, then show blue in the column.
Show the salary in two stages if given the option. Show the eligibility date in the office order. (Form-4/3 Copy-2 in one page) Exemption from CCC examination will have to be noted in the Rowapothi.
If the option is taken, it should be noted in the service book if the option is to be added and if the deductible is on leave.
Not to include Xerox copies of private reports and service books and other unnecessary documents.
 To get the signatures of the four appointees as per the resolution of the education department in the promotion committee resolution, only the employees who have received the seventh pay scale ticker will have to submit the application.
Relevant institutions have to submit the application only after it has been included in the resolution of the promotion committee of the education inspector / district head of the office here.
To make two sets as above and present them in one file while performing U.P.Dho Dakhrat in the office here.
Only after checking the complete details as per the above mentioned Rachna, the principal of the concerned institution The standard file has to be submitted, if any files with incomplete details are received, the objection will be submitted and the responsibility in this regard will be with the principal of the said Ranratha. Which should be noted .. The following grounds should be mentioned in the promotion committee resolution.
The result of last five years in the request of the principal.
Uchchatar Pagar Dhoran na Caso ni File Babat Mehsana Jilla no Letter
As well as Marksheet Two – Duplicate CCC examination should be passed by a recognized institution and its authenticity should be done by the Principal as well as a copy of the declaration.
Uchchatar Pagar Dhoran na Caso ni File Babat Mehsana Jilla no Letter

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